43-49 Mespil Road
Dublin 4
Project Details
Client: Davy Target Investments
Contractor: M&P Construction
Value: €15.0M
Services Provided: LEED Gold Accreditation, C&S Engineering Services
Category: Offices
Project Completed: 2020
Project Description
This is a high profile office development in Dublin City Centre, over seven floors including basement, with a total floor area of 5,345m2. The proposed development comprised of external and internal alterations of the existing building including reconfiguration of basement level to provide ancillary staff facilities, bicycle parking and retention of 18 no. car parking spaces. The project involves a reconfiguration of the office floorplate and layout at ground to fifth floor levels together with the provision of a new 6 storey rear infill extension at ground to fifth floor levels to provide an additional 964 m2 of office floorspace.
This project provided a significant challenge structurally, in that the existing stair and lift which provided the lateral stability in the original building was being fully demolished, allowing for the new open plan office arrangement. A new stair and lift core was provided in the infill structure in the original courtyard, which now provides the lateral stability for both structures. The sequencing of works meant the original core was demolished before the new core constructed, therefore a significant temporary works design was required to stabilise the building in the temporary case.
Punch designed the structure using the state of the art structural packages. The project has been sustainably designed through LEED and is achieved gold level certification.