Bunratty Castle Hotel

Bunratty, Co. Clare​

Project Details

Client: Freda Hayes

Architect: Frank Ennis & Associates

Value: €4.8M

Services Provided: C&S Engineering Services

Category: Leisure & Hotels

Project Completion: 2006

Project Description

PUNCH Consulting Engineers were appointed by Freda Hayes to undertake the civil and structural engineering design for this project.

The area identified for the extension falls away from the hotel so it was decided to construct a basement below the three-storey extension.  A new leisure complex which includes a swimming pool, gym and treatment rooms made up the basement and bedrooms were constructed on the ground, first and second floors.

An RC transfer structure was constructed at ground floor level.  The beams of this transfer structure had to be quite deep as the architect required large open spaces for the leisure centre. The RC columns were supported on pad foundations.  Load bearing blockwork was built off the transfer beams that in turn supported the precast slabs.  A combination of pitched timbers and tegral sheeting made up the roof.  The extension is tied into the existing hotel at each floor.  The façade is blockwork supported off strips.  Two external fire escapes were required which were constructed using galvanised steel.  The building was finished in late 2006.

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