H&MV Engineering Wind Farm Substations
Ireland, Sweden and Holland
Project Details
Client: H&MV Engineering
Value: Varies
Services Provided: C&S Engineering Services
Category: Renewable Energy
Project Duration: 2015 – present
Project Description
PUNCH have provided civil and structural service to H&MV Engineering since 2015. A list of the wind farm substation where we provided civil and engineering design for the steelwork to support the electoral equipment are as follows:
- Galway windfarm substation steelwork
- Mayo Power Killala substation steelwork
- substation Derrysallagh Knockroe Co. Sligo
- Tullabrack windfarm Co Clare
- Slievecallan windfarm Ennis 110 kv cable
- Cordal cable chair
- Garvagh cable chair
- Clonshaugh Co. Dublin
- Brinny co cork
- Carrickallen, Aghaway
- Ferrybridge substation
- Greygrove substation
- Cloonfaughna/Maghermore 38kv substation
- Faberg 300kv substation Norway & Brinny piperack cable pull assessment
- slievekirk wind farm
- Callowhill water supply transformer & pump station
- Mauricetown 38kv substation
- Tullylease 38kv substation
- Bollmora substation Sweden
The steelwork designs take into account wind, seismic, cable catenary forces, thermal forces, cable forces from surge loading and deflection requirements.
PUNCH provide this service to H&MV both nationally and internationally (Sweden and Holland).