H&MV Engineering Wind Farm Substations ​

Ireland, Sweden and Holland​

Project Details

Client: H&MV Engineering

Value: Varies

Services Provided: C&S Engineering Services

Category: Renewable Energy

Project Duration: 2015 – present

Project Description

PUNCH have provided civil and structural service to H&MV Engineering since 2015. A list of the wind farm substation where we provided civil and engineering design for the steelwork to support the electoral equipment are as follows:  

  1. Galway windfarm substation steelwork
  2. Mayo Power Killala substation steelwork
  3. substation Derrysallagh Knockroe Co. Sligo
  4. Tullabrack windfarm Co Clare
  5. Slievecallan windfarm Ennis 110 kv cable
  6. Cordal cable chair
  7. Garvagh cable chair
  8. Clonshaugh Co. Dublin
  9. Brinny co cork
  10. Carrickallen, Aghaway
  11. Ferrybridge substation
  12. Greygrove substation
  13. Cloonfaughna/Maghermore 38kv substation
  14. Faberg 300kv substation Norway & Brinny piperack cable pull assessment         
  15. slievekirk wind farm
  16. Callowhill water supply transformer & pump station
  17. Mauricetown 38kv substation
  18. Tullylease 38kv substation
  19. Bollmora substation Sweden

The steelwork designs take into account wind, seismic, cable catenary forces, thermal forces, cable forces from surge loading and deflection requirements.

PUNCH provide this service to H&MV both nationally and internationally (Sweden and Holland).

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