Limerick Smarter Travel Route 2

Co. Limerick​

Project Details

Client: Limerick City & County Council

Services Provided: Environmental, Civil Engineering and structural design, PSDP

Category: Environmental

Project Completed: Sept 2015

Project Description

Limerick Smarter Travel Route 2 involved the provision of a new cycleway between University of Limerick and Limerick city centre over a distance of almost 4km. This project is the flagship scheme of the Limerick Smarter Travel Project which received central funding of €9M to develop and promote sustainable modes of transport across Limerick City and Environs.

PUNCH Consulting Engineers and Mouchel were appointed by Limerick City and County Council as Employer’s Representative and PSDP for all stages (stage (i) to stage (v)) of the project. PUNCH are the Project Manager, civil and structural designers and PSDP on the project. Design work on the project commenced in 2013 and a planning application was lodged to An Bord Pleanála in early 2014. Detailed design, prequalification and tendering proceeded in parallel with the planning process and planning permission was granted by An Bord Pleanala in early 2015. The project included a detailed site investigation contract, detailed ecological studies/surveys, a full Appropriate Assessment and Natura Impact Statement, traffic management plans, road safety audits, consultation with statutory bodies and a full public consultation. The works were procured using a number of different contracts to reduce programme delivery time. Construction on all contracts is due to be completed this year.

The 4km cycleway runs through a series of different rural and urban spaces within the city environs. The route starts at the University of Limerick and continues along the banks of the River Shannon for a distance of about 2km. This part of the route is within part of Lower River Shannon candidate Special Area of Conservation (cSAC) and involves the construction of a 3m wide bitmac path and 4 no. bridges, public lighting, CCTV and fencing.

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