Lough Gur GWS Watermain Upgrade

Lough Gur, Co. Limerick​

Project Details

Client: Lough Gur GWS

Contractor: N/A

Value: €150K

Services Provided:

Civil Engineering Services, Water Distribution Modelling using EPANET, Watermain Distribution Design, PSDP Services

Category: Water & Wastewater

Project Duration: 2020-2021

Project Description

PUNCH was appointed by Lough Gur Group Water Scheme to provide engineering services to survey and model the existing water distribution network to analyse and identify upgrade works. The existing scheme comprises of approximately 55km of distribution pipework with over 700 metered water supply connections. These include domestic, agricultural, and commercial connections.

PUNCH carried out the modelling using EPANET software following a collection of all available data which was then presented to the GWS to identify existing inefficiencies within the network. This model also allows the GWS to simulate future upgrade works to see the potential impact and thus prioritise future upgrade works. PUNCH carried out the design of a proposed diversion following completion of this model. The project involved the construction of approximately 350m of new watermain pipework, associated valves, and several domestic connections along its length. The works included:

  • Collection of metered data from all connections in the scheme and a survey of the ground levels throughout the network.
  • Modelling of existing network using EPANET and analysing the current operation and setup to identify issues.
  • Carrying out design of upgrade works and preparation of detailed drawings and specifications for upgrade works.

All design was in accordance with Irish Water Code of practice for water supply.

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