Marmalade Lane SHD
Marmalade Lane, Dundrum, Dublin 16
Project Details
Client: 1 Wyckham Land Limited
Architect: Scott Tallon Walker Architects
Value: €120.0M
Services Provided: C&S Engineering Services, Traffic Engineering
Category: Residential
Project Duration: 2019 – Ongoing
Planning Grant January 2021
Project Description
The development site area is approx. 4.0305 hectares of undeveloped agricultural land adjacent to the Carmelite Centre at Gort Muire, Dundrum, Dublin 16.
The proposed development will consist of a BTR multifamily residential scheme comprising 628 no. apartments within 7 no. buildings ranging in height up to 9 storeys. The development will include a crèche, gym, residential amenity areas, public and semi-private open spaces including shared allotments and a perimeter running track, car, cycle, and motorcycle parking. Vehicular, pedestrian and cyclist access will be via Wyckham Avenue. All associated site development works and services provisions including bin storage areas, substations/switch rooms, plant areas, open spaces, boundary treatments, landscaping and all services required to facilitate the proposed development.
PUNCH Consulting Engineers was engaged by 1 Wyckham Land Limited as the Civil, Structural and Traffic Consultants for the project based on PUNCH’s proven track record of planning success, including SHD planning applications.
Further details of the SHD proposals can be found at including PUNCH’s report and drawing inputs.