Residential Development @ St. Aidan’s
St. Aidan’s, Brookfield, Tallaght, Dublin 24
Project Details
Client: South Dublin County Council
Architect: Reddy architecture + urbanism
Main Contractor: John Sisk & Sons
Value: €17M
Services Provided: Assigned Certifier
Category: Rapid Build Social Housing Development
Project Duration: September 2017 – November 2018
Project Description
PUNCH Consulting Engineers were appointed as Assigned Certifiers for this project comprising the construction of 90 No. new dormer, two and three storey detached, semi-detached and terrace timber frame housing units and associated site development works as part of a rapid design & build development. The works adapted fast-track construction methods including timber frame construction and Amvic insulating concrete formwork systems in foundations and rising walls.
This project was completed over the course of 2018 in 5 No. separate phases with each individual phase being successfully validated and registered by South Dublin County Council Building Control prior to public occupation.
The project was successfully completed in full in November 2018.