St. Michael’s Estate Residential Development

Dublin 8​

Project Details

Client: Dublin City Council

Architect: Dublin City Council

Value:  €15M

Services Provided: C&S Engineering Services

Category: Residential

Project Completed: 2014

Project Description

This is phase 1 of the St. Michaels Estate regeneration project which will transform an area with social and maintenance problems into a quality, energy efficient residential project that includes community and creche facilities.

Phase 1 has 75 social and affordable residential units, a 150m2 crèche with playground and landscaped courtyard and a basement car park for 40 cars. The development is part of a larger development that DCC hope will be completed on the 14 acre site. This phase is a mix of housing and apartments constructed in block work and precast concrete floors. The total floor area totals 8,500m2

Two separate works contracts were undertaken to complete the project.  An advance demolition and service diversion contract was carried out in order to reduce the overall programme and contractual risk.

The foundations consisted of 450 diameter CFA piles for 2 of the apartment blocks and the crèche, a concrete basement including raft structure for another 2 apartment blocks and 10 houses with strip footings and lean mix to sound bearing. The apartment walls are 215mm load bearing solid blockwork supporting 200mm precast units and 75mm structural screed floors at each level. The roofs are made up from precast units and screed similar to the lower floors.

PUNCH was responsible for design of external drainage and water services together with retaining walls for the landscape works above the underground car park.  The drainage includes attenuation and rainwater harvesting tanks in a very tight external area adjacent to the new buildings.

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