Tesco Eco Store

Tramore, Co. Waterford​

Project Details

Client: Tesco Ireland

Architect: Joseph Doyle Architects

Value: €18M ($25M)

Services Provided: C&S Engineering Services, Sustainability, Environmental

Category: Retail

Project Completed: 2008

Project Description

PUNCH worked closely with the other design team members to achieve a sustainable and environmentally friendly development. PUNCH chose Glulam for the main frame structure as a renewable construction material, the raw material being harvested from specifically managed forests, which are developed and maintained in accordance with the sustainability principle that more trees are replanted than harvested. Thus, the timber is not only readily available but is also constantly renewing itself over time.

When comparing the energy in the production of Glulam materials with that of steel, the production of steel requires the expenditure of up to 6 times more energy than the production of Glulam. Glulam timber is also an excellent storage medium for the harmful greenhouse gas CO2 withdrawn from the atmosphere and stored by the tree during its growth period and absorbed for a long time. The concrete mix design also included for 50% GGBS replacement to reduce the amount of Ordinary Portland Cement, further reducing the carbon footprint of the structure. Other initiatives include the use of roof lights to reduce the requirements for artificial light, new technology to create self-sufficiency for heating and hot water, solar panels to generate electricity and recycling measures including grey water harvesting, which saves 500,000 litres of water a year.

This Tesco store in Tramore is the first environmental store – or Eco Store – to be built in Ireland. The 30,000ft2 retail outlet uses 45% less energy than a comparable supermarket of similar size, Tesco Tramore will save 420 tonnes of CO2, a 30% annual saving against a conventional store of this size.

PUNCH Consulting Engineers are proud to be part of the first supermarket in the world to receive a Passive House Certificate for sustainable design, setting a new benchmark for green technology and construction in retail in Ireland and around the World.

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