The Four Courts
Roof Dome Repair Works, Dublin
Project Details
Client: The Office of Public Works, National Monuments
Value: Confidential
Services Provided: Civil, Structural &
Conservation Services
Category: Conservation
Project Duration: 2017 – Ongoing (2021)
Project Description
The Four Courts, with its first case heard in 1796, was built on the original 13th century site of a Dominican Friary garden. It seated four principal courts initially, and while the number of courts has changed, it has retained its historic name.
It has undergone numerous repair and maintenance regimes during its lifetime. This period of significant and highly visible repairs also includes a number of major structural elements including:
- Repairs to the stone column capitals including replacement of badly damaged capital stones.
- Repairs to the existing steel angle.
- Extensive scaffolding design.
- Significant temporary works and temporary propping design.
- Repairs to the existing concrete dome, dealing with temporary weathering systems and safe access including new fall arrest.
- Repairs to stonework (granite parapet, Portland stone cornice & entablature etc).
The project is on site and 2no capital stones have been replaced.