University Hospital Limerick
Leben 6 Storey Extension


Project Details

Client: Leben Developments Ltd.

Contractor: J.J.Rhatigan & Co.

Value: €13.0M

Services Provided: C&S Engineering Services

Category: Healthcare

Project Duration: 2009 – 2015

Project Description

This major healthcare project comprised the construction of a six-storey inpatient and outpatient facility to provide a neurological centre/acute stroke inpatient unit, cystic fibrosis inpatient and outpatient units, specialist breast and dermatology outpatients and replacement facilities for demolished buildings. The project also included a new ESB Substation.

The requirement for the additional spaces arose from the need to bring the accommodation up to the latest healthcare standards and to bring together facilities that were dispersed throughout the hospital thereby greatly enhancing the delivery of treatment.

A feasibility study undertaken to examine the suitability of a number of locations for the proposed facilities concluded that an extension constructed above the existing canteen provided the optimum adjacencies to existing wards and hospital circulations. The project design included the demolition of the existing canteen and an existing escape stairs and to construct a new, replacement canteen and vertical circulation core of lifts and stairs at the north eastern end of the existing hospital. The contract works also included the construction and alterations to additional buildings at varying locations throughout the campus. 

The project works also involve significant service diversions to sterilise the varying sites for construction works. This sterilisation includes elements such as demolition works, electrical ducting rerouting, surface, and foul and water main diversions, including associated temporary works.

The building structure consists of reinforced concrete columns and flat slab construction throughout. The building has been designed with maximum flexibility and robustness to ensure that the structure is future proofed for changes in equipment, medical advances and alterations to the layouts.

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